MPTF – HMG Allocation Policy

MPTF Policy Statement – approved by the HMG Executive Board

The main purpose of this policy statement is to ensure consistency, fairness and transparency in the application and administration of grants provided by the Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF). The Music Performance Trust Fund provides Local 293 with an annual allotment of grants to be applied to specific music performances. Applications to the MPTF for grants from this allotment must be submitted several weeks in advance of the music performance. The actual grant for any specific music performance is provided to Local 293 for release to the musician(s) after receipt of an affidavit from the Local 293 President that the event was held.

Applications to the MPTF will be guided by the following principles:

  1. Preference will always be given to MPTF applications submitted on behalf of Local 293 members.
  2. Under no circumstance will MPTF applications be submitted on behalf of Local 293 members playing with non-AFM members. In such cases, the non-AFM member will be given the opportunity to join Local 293 or another AFM Local either as a Temporary Member (for a single performance) or as a Regular Member, before the date of the application.
  3. To the greatest extent possible, every member of Local 293 will be provided with the opportunity to receive a minimum of 3 MPTF grants during any fiscal year, subject to the availability of MPTF funds. Whenever possible, Local 293 members will be provided with additional MPTF grants, subject to the availability of MPTF funds. However, no Local 293 member is guaranteed any MPTF grant in any given fiscal year unless funds are available from the MPTF allotment.
  4. Preference in the allocation of MPTF grants will always be given to Local 293 members. Except in rare and unusual circumstances, no band (2 or more musicians) will be provided with MPTF grants unless at least 80% of its members belong to Local 293 as at the date of application.
  5. Particular efforts will be made to encourage new members who have joined Local 293 within the previous two years to consider opportunities to receive MPTF grants.
  6. Preference for MPTF grants will be given to music performances by solo performers and bands composed of 5 or fewer members. This is to ensure that the maximum number of Local 293 members will have access to MPTF grants.
  7. MPTF applications will only be submitted upon receipt of a completed Live Performance Contract, detailing the Names of the Musicians, their AFM Local No., and their AFM ID (in lieu of the SIN number). 
  8. Typically, the MPTF issues payment to Local 293 for music performances two weeks or more after the music performance has taken place. Upon receipt of the grant money, Local 293 will normally make disbursements directly to the musician(s) listed on the Live Performance Contact. Under no circumstances will lump sum payments be made to the band leader, although the band leader may receive all the individual cheques made payable to the band members, in order to distribute them to the band members.
  9. Payments to musicians will be determined in accordance with the current Local 293 Tariff of Fees.
  10. All payments to musicians will be subject to 5% work dues. Pension Payments and HST Payments will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.